Angles Of Polygons Answer Key

Angles of polygons answer key – Unveiling the angles of polygons, this guide embarks on an intriguing journey into the realm of geometry, revealing the fascinating world of shapes and their angles. Prepare to delve into a captivating exploration that will illuminate the intricacies of polygons, unlocking their secrets and empowering you with a comprehensive understanding.

As we navigate through this guide, we’ll explore the diverse types of polygons, unravel the relationship between their sides and angles, and uncover the formulas that govern their measurements. We’ll delve into the properties of regular polygons, where symmetry reigns supreme, and investigate the angle relationships in non-regular polygons, where diversity unfolds.

Definition of Polygons: Angles Of Polygons Answer Key

A polygon is a closed, two-dimensional shape with straight sides. It is made up of three or more line segments that are connected at their endpoints.

Polygons are classified according to the number of sides they have. A triangle has three sides, a quadrilateral has four sides, a pentagon has five sides, a hexagon has six sides, and so on. The number of sides in a polygon is also known as its order.

Characteristics of Polygons

In addition to the number of sides, polygons also have other characteristics, including the number of angles and the sum of the interior angles.

  • Number of angles:The number of angles in a polygon is always two less than the number of sides. For example, a triangle has three sides and three angles, a quadrilateral has four sides and four angles, and so on.
  • Sum of the interior angles:The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is always 180 degrees multiplied by the number of sides minus 2. For example, the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360 degrees, and so on.

Types of Polygons

Polygons are classified based on the number of sides they have. Each type of polygon has unique properties and relationships that distinguish it from others.

The most common types of polygons are:

  • Triangles: Polygons with three sides
  • Quadrilaterals: Polygons with four sides
  • Pentagons: Polygons with five sides
  • Hexagons: Polygons with six sides
  • Heptagons: Polygons with seven sides
  • Octagons: Polygons with eight sides
  • Nonagons: Polygons with nine sides
  • Decagons: Polygons with ten sides

Relationships between Polygons

Different types of polygons can have various relationships with each other. For example, a square is a special type of quadrilateral with all sides equal in length and all angles equal to 90 degrees. A rectangle is also a quadrilateral, but it has only two pairs of equal sides and four right angles.

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all sides equal in length, but its angles are not necessarily right angles.

Angles of Polygons

Polygons are closed figures with straight sides. They can have different shapes and sizes, and the angles formed by their sides can vary. Understanding the angles of polygons is essential for geometry and various applications.

There are two main types of angles associated with polygons: interior angles and exterior angles.

Interior Angles

Interior angles are the angles formed inside the polygon, where two sides meet. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon depends on the number of sides it has. The formula for calculating the sum of interior angles (S) of a polygon with n sides is:

S = (n

2) × 180°

For example, a triangle (n = 3) has a sum of interior angles equal to (3 – 2) × 180° = 180°. A quadrilateral (n = 4) has a sum of interior angles equal to (4 – 2) × 180° = 360°.

Exterior Angles

Exterior angles are the angles formed outside the polygon, when one side is extended. Each exterior angle is adjacent to an interior angle, and the two angles form a linear pair, which sums up to 180°. The measure of an exterior angle can be calculated using the formula:

Exterior Angle = 180°

Interior Angle

For example, if an interior angle of a polygon measures 60°, then its adjacent exterior angle measures 180° – 60° = 120°.

Angle Properties of Regular Polygons

Regular polygons are special types of polygons where all sides and angles are equal. This makes them highly symmetrical and visually appealing. Understanding the angle properties of regular polygons is essential for various mathematical applications, including geometry, architecture, and engineering.

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Interior Angles of Regular Polygons

The interior angles of a regular polygon are the angles formed at each vertex where the sides meet. The sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon with nsides is given by the formula:$$S_i = (n-2) \times 180^\circ$$

Exterior Angles of Regular Polygons

The exterior angles of a regular polygon are the angles formed by extending each side of the polygon and the adjacent side. The sum of the exterior angles of a regular polygon is always 360 degrees, regardless of the number of sides.$$S_e

= 360^\circ$$

Relationship between the Number of Sides and Angle Measures, Angles of polygons answer key

The number of sides of a regular polygon directly affects the measure of its interior and exterior angles. As the number of sides increases, the interior angles become smaller, while the exterior angles become larger. This relationship is inversely proportional.

Angle Relationships in Non-Regular Polygons

Non-regular polygons lack equal sides and angles. Understanding angle relationships in these shapes requires different approaches compared to regular polygons.

To calculate the measure of interior and exterior angles in non-regular polygons, we utilize the angle sum property. The sum of interior angles for an n-sided polygon is given by (n-2) x 180 degrees. For exterior angles, the sum is always 360 degrees, regardless of the number of sides.

Angle Bisectors and Perpendicular Bisectors

Angle bisectors divide angles into two equal parts, while perpendicular bisectors are lines that intersect sides at right angles and divide them into two equal segments.

In non-regular polygons, angle bisectors can help determine the measure of unknown angles. For example, if an angle bisector divides an angle into two angles measuring x and y degrees, then x + y = 180 degrees.

Perpendicular bisectors can help determine the measure of exterior angles. If a perpendicular bisector intersects a side at a point P, then the exterior angle at P is equal to twice the measure of the interior angle adjacent to P.


Consider a non-regular quadrilateral with interior angles measuring 70 degrees, 110 degrees, 120 degrees, and 60 degrees. The sum of interior angles is (4-2) x 180 = 360 degrees. The exterior angles measure 180 – 70 = 110 degrees, 180 – 110 = 70 degrees, 180 – 120 = 60 degrees, and 180 – 60 = 120 degrees.

In a non-regular pentagon, an angle bisector divides an angle into two angles measuring x degrees and y degrees. Since the sum of angles is 180 degrees, we have x + y = 180 degrees.

Applications of Polygon Angles

Understanding polygon angles is essential in various fields, including architecture, engineering, design, and more. By comprehending the relationships between polygon angles, professionals can solve problems and make precise calculations.


In architecture, polygon angles are crucial for designing and constructing buildings. Architects use polygon angles to determine the shape, size, and stability of structures. For instance, triangles and squares are commonly used in roof design due to their structural stability.

Understanding polygon angles allows architects to calculate roof pitch, beam angles, and other important dimensions.


In engineering, polygon angles are used in designing bridges, machines, and other structures. Engineers use polygon angles to calculate forces, stresses, and moments within structures. For example, in bridge design, engineers use polygon angles to determine the optimal shape and angle of support beams to ensure structural integrity.


Polygon angles are also important in design fields such as graphic design and interior design. Designers use polygon angles to create visually appealing shapes, patterns, and layouts. For instance, in logo design, polygon angles can be used to create sharp, geometric shapes that convey a specific message or brand identity.

Question Bank

What is the formula for calculating the sum of interior angles of a polygon?

The formula is (n-2) – 180 degrees, where ‘n’ represents the number of sides in the polygon.

How do you find the measure of an exterior angle of a regular polygon?

For a regular polygon with ‘n’ sides, the measure of each exterior angle is 360 degrees divided by ‘n’.

What is the difference between an interior and exterior angle of a polygon?

An interior angle lies within the polygon, formed by two adjacent sides, while an exterior angle lies outside the polygon, formed by one side and the extension of the adjacent side.